Snow Kayaking

by : Sarfraz Uchil

Snow Kayaking

Total Views : 2066

Published : on 10/24/19

Snow kayaking is a somewhat newer winter sport typically[clarification needed] done by kayakers. It usually involves kayakers descending snow slopes, in contrast to river sports such as whitewater kayaking for which the boats were usually designed. Snow boating is typically done in the backcountry and occasionally at resorts and ski areas.Races are held in a modus similar to those of snowboarding they are known as a boatercross. In the races, kayakers race to a finish line or point. Powder and backcountry snow boating have steadily increased in popularity and many videos can be found online, reflecting the increase in the sport's popularity. Typically either playboats or creek-boats are used depending on the style of snowboating to be done. Although PFDs are not worn, helmets, and paddles are often used.