
by : Sarfraz Uchil


Total Views : 1096

Published : on 10/10/19

Ballooning, unpowered balloon flight in competition or for recreation, a sport that became popular in the 1960s. The balloons used are of plastic, nylon, or polyethylene, and are filled with hydrogen, helium, methane, or hot air. Ballooning began in 1783 with the flight of the Montgolfier brothers’ balloons in France, but the earliest uses were scientific and military. Sport ballooning began in earnest in 1906, when the American publisher James Gordon Bennett offered an international trophy for annual long-distance flights, won permanently by Belgians with victories in 1922–24. Belgium then offered the trophy until it was discontinued in 1939. Initially the sport, like international yachting, was a rich man’s pastime. The sport was revived after World War II following the introduction of new materials and the propane burner to provide hot air. Events include those for duration of flight, altitude, and distance. Hare-and-hound races entail a lead “hare” balloon that takes off and flies a certain distance, pursued by the “hound” balloons. The winner is the balloon landing closest to the “hare.” The Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI; International Aeronautical Federation) maintains international records for 10 classes of balloons, both gas and hot-air, ranging in volume from 250 to 16,000 cubic metres (8,829 to 565,035 cubic feet). Ballooning clubs are mainly local, and world championships have not been highly successful, but out of the sport came the record transatlantic (1978), transcontinental (1980), and transpacific (1981) flights of Maxie Anderson, Ben Abruzzo, and Larry Newman; of Anderson and his son Kristian; and of Abruzzo, Newman, Rocky Aoki, and Ron Clark, respectively. On March 20, 1999, Bertrand Piccard, whose grandfather Auguste Piccard invented the pressurized cabin, and Brian Jones completed the first nonstop trip around the world in a balloon. The flight originated in Switzerland and reached Mauritania in 20 days. The two men eventually landed in Egypt, having traveled more than 29,000 miles (46,000 km).