
by : Sarfraz Uchil


Total Views : 4488

Published : on 10/24/19

Yukigassen is a snowball fighting-competition from Japan. Today there are annual tournaments in Sōbetsu, Hokkaidō in Japan, Kemijärvi in Finland, Vardø in Norway, Murmansk in Russia, Mount Buller, Victoria in Australia, Luleå in Sweden, Anchorage in Alaska, Aparan in Armenia, Jasper, Alberta and Saskatoon, Saskatchewan in Canada. Yukigassen is a game between two teams with seven players each. The game is played on a court with certain measurements, and the winner is determined through rules made by the Japan Yukigassen Federation.It is similar to capture the flag; players are eliminated when hit with snowballs. Players wear special yukigassen helmets with face shields, and a set number of snowballs (90) are made in advance.