IPL Cricket Matches in Stadium: Are They Really That Horrific?

by : harsha


Total Views : 778

Published : on 4/13/23

IPL cricket matches are a popular form of entertainment in India, attracting thousands of spectators to stadiums across the country. While watching your favorite team play live can be a thrilling experience, some attendees have reported issues with the stadium facilities, particularly in relation to access to drinking water and food. According to reports, water bottles are not allowed inside some stadiums, and the cost of purchasing water inside the stadium can be significantly higher than outside. Similarly, food options inside the stadium can be limited to only pizza, with limited choices for drinks. This has raised concerns about the comfort and safety of attendees, especially in hot weather conditions. While it's important for stadiums to have security measures in place to ensure the safety of attendees, it's equally important to provide access to basic amenities such as drinking water and food. After all, staying hydrated and fueled is essential for maintaining good health, particularly during physical activities like sports matches. So what can attendees do to ensure they have access to drinking water and food during IPL cricket matches? Here are a few tips: Check the rules and regulations of the stadium before attending the match. Some stadiums may allow attendees to bring in their own water bottles and food, while others may not. Knowing the rules beforehand can help you prepare accordingly. Consider bringing your own water bottle and snacks. If the stadium allows you to bring in your own water bottle and snacks, this can be a convenient way to stay hydrated and fueled during the match. You can refill your bottle at water stations inside the stadium, which can be more affordable than purchasing water bottles. Stay hydrated before, during, and after the match. Make sure to drink plenty of water before you attend the match, and bring water with you if you're traveling to the stadium. During the match, try to take regular breaks to visit water stations and stay hydrated. After the match, continue to drink water to help replenish fluids and prevent dehydration. Consider bringing your own food or eating a meal before the match. While some stadiums only offer pizza, you may be able to bring your own food if the stadium allows it. Alternatively, you can eat a meal before the match to ensure you're adequately fueled. Be prepared for higher prices. If you do decide to purchase food or drinks inside the stadium, be prepared for higher prices. Bring extra cash or a credit card to ensure you're able to purchase what you need. Take advantage of public drinking water stations. Some stadiums may offer public drinking water stations where you can refill your water bottle for free. Keep an eye out for these stations, as they can be a convenient way to stay hydrated during the match. In conclusion, while there may be some challenges associated with attending IPL cricket matches in stadiums, there are also many benefits, such as the excitement of watching your favorite team play live. By following these tips, you can ensure that you have access to drinking water and food and stay comfortable during the match. Ref: https:/youtube.com/watch?v=onQTBmx7Ibw